Ok, I know I’m late again this week, but that is not (completely) due to laziness. I’d wish to say that it has to do with real life issues, but I’m not sure if academic life can be called “real life” (or even “life”). This routine is really taking a toll on me.
To make it brief, I just want to let you know that some things stated on my last post are not valid anymore: talking to Clément David (if I have not mentioned him yet, he is one of my GSoC mentors) at Scilab GSoC mailing list, I got to know that OpenSSL is already a dependency of Scilab, so to run my Jupyter Kernel it’ll be needed anyways.
That detail changes our previous scenario, as now only using Crypto++ for HMAC hash calculation has the disavantage of adding an extra dependency, which is undesired.
For this reason, I ended up needing to rewrite the hash generator class to use OpenSSL HMAC C API. It wasn’t that difficult, as the logic behind the calculations remains pretty much the same.
Here is the resulting code:
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
class MessageHashGenerator
digestEngine = NULL;
enabled = false;
bool SetKey( std::string keyString, std::string hashAlgorithm = "hmac-sha256" )
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); // Enables the search for encryption engines
enabled = false;
key = keyString;
if( hashAlgorithm.find( "hmac-" ) != std::string::npos )
std::string digestEngineName = hashAlgorithm.substr( hashAlgorithm.find_last_of( "-" ) + 1 );
// Search for the encryption engine by its name
if( (digestEngine = EVP_get_digestbyname( digestEngineName.c_str() )) != NULL )
enabled = true;
return enabled;
std::string GenerateHash( std::string& header, std::string& parent, std::string& metadata, std::string& content )
static HMAC_CTX digestContext;
unsigned char hash[ 32 ];
unsigned int hashLength;
char hashString[ 65 ] = ""; // 64 characters + NULL terminator
if( enabled )
HMAC_Init_ex( &digestContext, key.data(), key.size(), digestEngine, NULL );
HMAC_Update( &digestContext, (const unsigned char*) header.data(), header.size() );
HMAC_Update( &digestContext, (const unsigned char*) parent.data(), parent.size() );
HMAC_Update( &digestContext, (const unsigned char*) metadata.data(), metadata.size() );
HMAC_Update( &digestContext, (const unsigned char*) content.data(), content.size() );
HMAC_Final( &digestContext, hash, &hashLength );
HMAC_CTX_cleanup( &digestContext );
// Each byte is represented by 2 characters
for( size_t byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < hashLength; byteIndex++ )
sprintf( hashString + strlen( hashString ), "%02x", hash[ byteIndex ] );
return hashString;
std::string key;
const EVP_MD* digestEngine;
bool enabled;
That’s all for now folks. I’ll come back soon !